Get An Estimate
Estimates can be given over the phone or through e-mail for the sole purpose of getting a price range. Price is not final until we receive the parts to be plated or polished. Pricing is done based on our shops overhead and our best estimation of the time required to properly refinish each item according to our customer’s expectation. The final price will reflect the size, type of substrate metal, detail, and deterioration of the item.
Price Ranges
Due to the broad ranges of deterioration on each item we see, firm prices cannot be established until the items are in-hand. For estimates, please call 208-278-5044. For firm pricing, we need to see your items. Below are general price ranges to provide with a basis for pricing out your job costs.
Car Bumpers
We understand that our pricing cannot compare to aftermarket high-production bumper plating shops. Our pricing reflects the quality of our services that experienced polishers hand buff and polish before final plating is performed.
The general price range is anywhere from $275.00 to $1500.00. Bolt holes can also be eliminated for an additional $25.00 per bolt hole.
Radiator Shells and Grills
All pieces received will have to have hours spent on tapping with a wide variety of hammers and dollies to prepare pieces for belt sanding, disc sanding, and block sanding. Repairs and welding are often necessary to prepare the surface to be acceptable to enter the plating department. Even though the process is long before the parts are able to get into the plating department, it is necessary to even plate the items several times, with different sanding and buffing steps in between. The quality is seen in finish. Prices range from $500.00 to $2500.00.
We are a manual plating line that is not set up to provide competitive prices and quality.
Why Chrome is So Expensive
1. A Lot of electricity is needed
2. Continuously treating and monitoring our plating baths and rinses
3. Plating is a corrosive environment and constant maintenance is needed to maintain our equipment
4. Stripping old coatings from your parts create hazardous waste that is much more expensive to separate and dispose of properly with licensed facilities.
5. People need to be paid to work in this type of environment with hot tanks and labor-intensive job requirements
6. Regulatory compliance is time consuming, along with reporting taxes to the IRS but must report to the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Homeland Security and Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
7. Chrome Plating only looks as good as the preparation of the surface. That means that eighty percent of labor costs is in the sanding, buffing, and metal repair.